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The Start of my Blender Journey

Tom Wadlow • 28 February 2021

Ever since I was a child  I've been fascinated with movies 

I've always wanted to be involved in film, always. I did my post-grad studies of film in Los Angeles at the New York Film Academy which was an incredible experience. Getting to make movies on the Universal backlot... I mean its the home of movies!! What more could a budding young filmmaker want?! 

After I returned to England I started my working career in film beginning with short films. Each getting larger in scale until it got to the point where I felt I was ready to take on a feature film. 

Wasteland, my first feature, was an epic journey; a battle of endurance. It took a good few years to complete and and then get released which we were thrilled to be able to do. It's available in a range of outlets, including Amazon.

So this is where I was at. I went on to start working on a second feature called Vengeance, which is filmed and edited but this is where there is a sharp turn in the story. My family was pulled into a legal battle for an education placement for our eldest daughter. It was one of the most destructive and mentally and psychologically draining experience I've ever had and ended up in a high court case, which we won. It took everything from my wife and I, and left us needing to rebuild our lives.  

After a prolonged period of not being involved in work or really anything to with the life I was building previously, I decided I needed to get back into working towards getting back to where I was. My confidence was at its lowest point. I didn't really know what to do. I wanted to be able to tell stories.  I want to feel that thrill of seeing a narrative come together, but I didn't know where to start. 

One day I was on Instagram and  I came across a collection of images that had been created using a software called Blender. I remember looking it the programme about 5 years earlier and trying it out and not really getting on with it. I found it difficult to navigate and just an overwhelming amount of buttons.

So one day in June 2019 I downloaded a copy of Blender. Installed it and start to play around I figured the worse case scenario was that I'd have to delete the programme a re-install it. After a few hours of clumsily trying to figure out how to do literally anything I had this my first render. 

Now I'm totally aware this isn't going to blow anyone way but for me in that moment I'd created something. Something I didn't think was possible, especially after the battering my mental health and confidence had taken in recent times. I was quietly pleased with myself. Not for this image, no, this is awful, but because I'd tried to do something that I didn't know how to do and I'd achieved it. It was a baby step to returning to where I was before.

My mind now started to wake up. The possibilities were suddenly endless, but so endless I didn't know where to start.

So I did what everyone does, I tried to do it all, and all at once. I went off in every direction.

I went in straight for a cloth simulation and a liquid simulation. My computer did not know what hit it.

Needless to say this was a step forward from my chair but there are lots of issues with it. I then tried to go down a sci-fi route, an environment route and a creature design route. None were very successful because I wasn't getting the basics right.

I was getting a little bit disheartened. My need to achieve something was starting to impact on my ability to get to my goal. I took a break.

After a few days of not touching Blender I decided to learn properly. I started trying out Blender courses online. I paid for some courses and did a lot of free one on youtube which is an incredible resource for learning. I would do the tutorial and the I would try and make some for myself without using the tutorial just to see what I could remember.

I  was starting to get a few result I was happy with

My confidence started to return. I started looking at more and more images for inspiration, each time I would look at the render results and look at an area that I thought needed work on. On the next project I'd focus on that more...

Sometimes it was pretty clear what was wrong, but each time I learned so much especially in term of how to keep things organised and make sure I wasn't costing myself rendering time with unnecessary geometry.

After a while I felt more and more comfortable to try more complex ideas. I was getting quicker at the workflow, still moving slowly but I could build things in a week rather than many week. 

This was the render that really inspired me to keep building and see if I could possible do this more in terms of a future. 

After 6 months of using Blender I exported out a little showreel, not for anyone but me just to see the journey I'd been on. I've always found it comforting to see the progression of my work.

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It is incredible how much technology has come along over the past few decades. In addition to that, it is unbelievable how much of it we realised could be repurposed and utilised during the COVID-19 pandemic. I for one found a whole new way to keep fit and healthy using my virtual reality headset. It is incredible the number of apps and games you can get now. One minute you are sat in the office and then next you are fighting off zombies with a sword. The possibilities are seemingly endless. What I think is most impressive is that we have invented something (that something being virtual reality) and we are not using it to hurt or destroy anything in the usual way that humans do, but instead utilising it to create connections with people. Over the past 12 months I have received two requests to re-create rooms in blender to be used within virtual reality. Although, they seemed like strange requests at first they actually turned out to be new ways for people to connect in times of isolation.
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